Fire Extinguishers

Portable fire extinguishers provide a first line of defense against fires of limited size. Fire extinguishers should be readily accessible and fully functional for immediate use. Since all fire extinguishers are not created equal, it is vital to have the proper size and agent when needed to minimize damage.

The Process

  • Determine if the extinguisher is properly hung with the proper manufacturer’s hanger
  • Remove the extinguisher from its hanger
  • Check the gauge pressure
  • Check the condition of the gauge and its compatibility with the extinguisher
  • Check the date of manufacture, last hydrotest & six-year maintenance date
  • Check the valve and shell for damage or corrosion
  • Remove the hose and check the threads, inspect the hose for cracks or splits, and inspect the condition of the discharge horn
  • Check the valve opening for powder or any foreign matter
  • Remove the extinguisher seal and locking pin and check the upper and lower handles
  • Replace the locking pin and reseal the extinguisher
  • For dry extinguishers, fluff the powder by turning the extinguisher
  • Clean the extinguisher
  • Check the condition of the hose/horn retention band at the side of the extinguisher
  • Check the extinguishers classification and operating instructions legibility and properly tag the extinguisher
  • Survey the hazard area to verify that the extinguisher classification corresponds with the hazard
  • Check that the extinguisher is visible and unobstructed
  • Replace the extinguisher on its hanger
  • Deliver a complete report of the inspection explaining any deficiencies and recommending corrective action in accordance with recognized codes for care and maintenance

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Fire System Solutions

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